Deconstruction is the third in the four album Devin Townsend Project cycle and it has been leaked (check it out on YouTube). After listening to it I do believe the man has out-Ziltoided himself.
As promised, the music is brutal and complex and the story is ostensibly about “a man who goes to Hell and meets the devil. The devil eventually promises to show him the secrets of the universe and presents a cheeseburger to him. However, being a vegetarian, the man cannot eat the cheeseburger, rendering his journey pointless.”
Early reviews are very positive and I’ll add my voice to that chorus. It’s one fucking intense album. When the guest list was first announced I was a little worried at how many there are but even on a preliminary run through my fears were dissipated. The many guests are brilliantly featured, their voices contributing to and blending with that trademark Devin Townsend Wall of Sound. Floor Jansen’s (formerly with After Forever) turn on “Pandemic” is particularly awesome.
Production is fantastic as usual for Devin. He has announced his dropping out from the Loudness wars and good thing too. Finally a loud album I can crank my hi-fi for.
Listening to the album one thing is clear, Devin has been sober for years and it turns out it really wasn’t the drugs or alcohol. He really is insane. In a good, mad genius way though.