We found 246 results for your search.

MAME Starter Guide 2012

…MAME running on Windows. Please leave any feedback or request for clarifications in the comments. Step 1: Download MAME Grab the latest stable release from the official MAME site. At…

MAME Starter Guide

…good, you say, but how do I start? I’m glad you asked. First, you will need to download MAME itself. If you run Windows, you can download the official release…

XName – Free DNS Service

Hating to deal with the inconvenience of the ZoneEdit “only the first five domains are free” rule (yes I’m very cheap), I searched for a free alternative and I think…

Heroic Age Episode 01

Come Mar and Apr and it’s the typical moment where we’re being INNUDATED with new anime, and the ever popular (and often deliciously crappy) mecha genre is going into factory…

I heard you like the same book I do

Ah, the wonders of fundamentalist Christian conservatism in Africa. But what happened to the vaguely commie talk Gbagbo is fond of sporting, good senator? What kind of delightful cognitive dissonance…

Free At Last! (or: Screw You Guys!)

Trent Reznor (and Nine Inch Nails by default) is now free from any recording contract. As I have mentioned, he is one of the few, perhaps the only, major artist…

Categorized as Music

Replacements for Spoiled Software

and then stay the hell out of the way when a video is playing. I usually install the Combined Community Codec Pack (still the best codec pack) which features MPC…

Categorized as Tech Tagged

Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts I-IV

Trent Reznor has done it: a double album of new instrumental music available as a high quality, DRM-free download, very reasonably priced 2 CD set (US$10) or either one of…

Categorized as Music