John Renbourn – Rosslyn

John Renbourn at the peak of his prodigious powers.

My first experience of Renbourn was his rendition of “The Moon Shines Bright”, unfortunately there is not YouTube video with his recording but there is an excellent cover by troubleclef. Check out his other videos too, some really great stuff there.

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Kula Shaker — Drink Tea (for the Love of God!)

Just bought the “new” Kula Shaker album Strangefolk. It was released June 2007 and I’ve not heard a peep about it anywhere. I’m not sure about it yet, especially the two reworked tracks from the Revenge of the King EP which I loved, but their Christmas 2007 single (which I have also just found out about) is face-meltingly awesome. The absolutely mental video makes it doubly so.

Kula Shaker - Drink Tea (for the Love of God!)


As we reach the end of our civilisation, it is perhaps a sign of the times that tea-drinking in our fair land is sadly on the decline. The byways are void of any tea, and all you can get is that disgusting drink, coffee. The situation is very grave. Something must be done.

Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on
Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on

Tea is a marvelous drink; everyone loves a nice cup of tea. It breaks through the barriers of class and status, from the worker in the factory canteen to Her Majesty the Queen. Everyone loves a nice cup of tea.

Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on
Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on
Put them on

Sixty-two billion cups of tea were drunk in Britain alone last year. That’s not bad, but we can do better than that! Tea offers a moment of transcendence away from the mad and frantic world. Tea is a gift from our creator.

Tea comes from God in Heaven
No stinking factory
Drink tea in the morning
Drink tea all day long

Come on everybody, sing it to the world!

Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on
Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on

Drink tea for the love of God
Drink tea, put the kettle on
Put them on

Lyrics courtesy of drykid from the Kula Shaker Forum, some minor corrections by yours truly.

Souad Massi — Yemma

I was in my favourite record store yesterday, and on the stereo I heard this beautiful voice. So it turns out that voice belonged to Souad Massi, and the song I heard was “Yemma”, off the album Deb.

This is a live performance from the BBC Radio 3 World Music Awards 2006 which is perhaps more powerful than the studio version.

Categorized as Music

SMS Squadron Song ~ That Girl is an Alien Lyrics

For my own edification:

Here we go! Here we go! SMS
We fly and fly till we drop
Cause we SMS can’t say “NO!”

When there’s a call to a far off star
That weird chick’s an alien, alien!

Go whack her with your big rockets
Here we go, here we go, SMS

Go spread our seed in the galaxy
We hot boys throttle through
the Magellan Clouds in a stroke

Cause we, the indestructible SMS
Speed! Miracle! Spacy!
Once we start, we can’t stop, hey!

Best. Lyrics. Ever.

Listen to it:

Don’t remember where I found the lyrics, sorry.

Ayreon 01011001 DVD

Found in the special and limited editions. Well worth the extra cost, especially for this one line:

“Dear Penis, give my butt a sign”

– Simone Simons

Clever girl…

Categorized as Music

Altered Consciousness

Just pulled an all night, and then in the morning I threw on the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s, and somehow additional dimensions in the music which I have never noticed before just leapt out of the speakers and blasted right through my consciousness.

Its an album I listen to a lot, and so I thought I knew it, but apparently I don’t know it at all. Perhaps I should try some Jimi next time.

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Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts I-IV

Trent Reznor has done it: a double album of new instrumental music available as a high quality, DRM-free download, very reasonably priced 2 CD set (US$10) or either one of a pair of luxurious deluxe packages. I’ll be grabbing the 2 CD set myself (yes I’m cheap).

In the mean time you can check out Ghost I, which is available for free (TPB torrent link, as the NIN server seem to be having problems dealing with the digg hordes).

Categorized as Music