Wah Lau eh! The costume is sibeh ugly + the face cannot make it leh!!

life ends at 27
I confess. I don’t think I had ever been more eager to buy a game than Top Spin 4.  Considering the fact that I had played every installment of the series (from it’s Microsoft roots to the current Sports2K publisher) I had a lot of high hopes riding on the latest incarnation.
First the bad : The game has definitely been ‘tweaked’ in an attempt to attract new fans to the game. It is not exactly being dumbed down as I had read on game sites, but you’ll notice a lot of ‘tips’ during gameplay.
The game now has a lot of indicators such as where the ball will land, ‘powerbars’ to let you know how to gauge one’s shot and even a comment to tell you about how the timing of the shot had been after executing the shot. Personally, I think these are great additions…in theory. But fails as a whole because you would end up becoming obsessed to hitting that perfect shot and start wondering what the hell went wrong when you hit anything less than perfect. Also, it’s fucking distracting when you are playing on the opposite court.
Yes. You can now play on the opposite court. This is a really important feature that I’m not entirely sure Top Spin 3 had. Case in point, when playing the game with four players, the two at the near court would have such a huge advantage over the players on the far end. Depth perception is a total bummer in all tennis games…but it is also what makes tennis games so fun to play, in my humble opinion.
Another thing that reeaaaaaallllly bugged the hell outta me is this irritating sound *tuk* sound made during option selection. Then again, it could be my lousy TV causing this though.
Phew, with all that is being said…now, lets look at the positives of the game.
I love this game. No, I fucking love this game.
The most immediate thing you’d notice (that is if you play a lot of Top Spin) is that the game is so much smoother now. Game loading is a fraction of what TS3 had been and the graphics… in the words of The Lonely Island, I jizzed in my pants.
Casual fans may not notice the little things, but hot damn…they have outdone themselves this time by capturing the little quirks of individual tennis players. Roger Federer’s stance is so uncanny to what he does in real life to Nadal’s way of holding his racquet when he waits for the ball to be served….mind-blowing.
There is even a triva box to tell you how long the rally was, and how long had it had been since I lost a point (Yes, I am awesome in normal mode) A huge kudos to the game developers on this. (That being said, how come they remove a simple action gesture like…bouncing the ball before serving, I cannot understand..but that’s the fanboy in me being paranoid about the game.)
Speaking of players, while the fantasy of getting to have every single famous player in one game remains as such, the game does boast of an impressive roster of Tennis legends such as Ivan Lendel, Boris “Boom Boom” Becker, Pete Sampras and not one, but TWO Andre Agassi (who’s my personal idol..all two of them)
The flamboyant Las Vegas Showman is in the game as the current baldie as well as the mullet haired luminous self. A big shame is that due to sponsorship issues, we won’t get to see his vintage Nike outfits (he currently dons Adidas)
And while we’re on the topic of outfits, being the Nike Slut as I am, I am sooooo amazed by the details of the players. Although I had only played two games, I was actually drooling over Federer’s 2009 US Open top which is so realistic in its details.
(And while we’re on the topic of details. Fuck Me sideways. They even had Nadal’s $427,000 Richard Mille in the game.)
But, the developers should really follow the way of PES/Winning 11 and include updates for player’s outfits. Now, THAT would really make the game really awesome.
IF you realise I’ve only been focusing on the asthetics of the game, it’s really because the gameplay may need further improvement in the AI department. At my first attempt at playing the game on Normal mode, my Agassi demolished Lendel with a white wash (6-0,6-0) on Clay (which I must say, looks even more awesome than its already impressive prequel)
My second game using Federer vs Sampras was much more interesting. While I am still playing at normal mode, Sampras clearly was way more aggressive than Lendel’s baseline tactics. I even lost a game. *gasp!*
I can’t wait to get back to playing more of the game right now, and the only reason why I even had time to type this lengthy review is only because I had to let my mum watch TV.
All in all, Top Spin 4 has retained the crown of the best tennis game out there in the market. I cannot wait to test it out with human players, where the gameplay would be completely different.
Who knows, I may even write out another review for this awesome game.
So, watch this space, folks.
My rating (if you still can’t tell) : 9 out of 10. Almost perfect.
(Note : I do not have the Playstation Move, so I would have zero idea what gameplay that would be possibly like)
Hello, this is the owner of the blog. Regular readers of our blog (all three and a half of you, you know who you are) know we are just a bunch with no agenda beyond writing whatever we want to write about and having fun doing it. This would be the first time I’m writing about something serious.
I presume every one of you who might see this post knows about the situation in Japan. On the 11st of March, Japan was struck by a massive 8.9/9 magnitude earthquake and the resulting tsunami was devastating.
We have all seen the videos and the horrifying photographs of the aftermath, and if you have been keeping up, you know the news getting out to us is worse by the day.
I’m asking you as a fellow citizen of the world, please donate to the relief efforts.
Fellow Singaporeans, as of now (6:20pm UTC +08:00, 14th March 2011) our local Red Cross has finally gotten their permit to raise funds. I will be updating this post with information as it becomes available.
EDIT: all links removed in favour of Google’s crisis response page. Proceeds go directly to the Japanese Red Cross.
Scene of almost complete devastation at Minamisanriku, Miyagi
Japan has now upgraded the quake to magnitude 9.0 on the Richter, which would tie it for the 4th largest quake since 1900. The township of Minamisanriku depicted above is probably the hardest hit, with nearly half the population missing and most of the buildings near-obliterated.
EDIT: There is a donation banner for the Red Cross in the sidebar. Please help whatever you can, readers…
This is just a very grim indication of the fate of the rest of the uprising when Gaddafi is through with them. As stated succinctly by Ranj Alaaldin for the Torygraph, “he has bided his time, tested the West’s resolve and is ready to take Libya back“. Given that Gaddafi is highly unlikely to run out of cash and it’s even less likely to run out of bullets/mortar rounds (all sitting prettily in his desert depots that are safely away from rebel regions) before the rebels run out of warm bodies, it’s very likely that even if any sort of limited international military action was agreed upon, it would be far too late by the time of implementation to really matter.
With the tide turning it will also see the end of any potential defections from Gaddafi’s military units, which means the status quo is overwhelmingly in his favour. The rebels will only weaken over time, even above their depressing logistical, command and technological inferiority issues, and the rate at which Gaddafi advances will increasingly pick up. With the EU/NATO paralyzed in disagreement over any sort of action beyond vague recrimination and seizing of liquid assets, much less push anything through the UN Security Council with Russia/China playing their usual spoiler role, it would not be surprising to me if his troops were outside Benghazi in a week, clearly a strategic objective if Tobruk is to be recaptured.
I’m firmly convinced Chiwa Saito is Shinbo’s pet project, because hard as it is to top her role in Bakemonogatari, they’re trying their darn hardest here in Madoka as well. Episode 10 of Madoka will probably go into the annals of anime as one of the most ambitious efforts at infodumping ever in its history. For all of Madoka’s excess in visuals it’s really the beautiful stark simplicity of its storytelling that really captures the imagination. Now all that’s left to cement its place among the greats is the final act.
P.S:Nice fight there. Who said the series only did surreal? Not that it isn’t weird in its way…..
The DX Chogokin toys from the second Macross Frontier movie were announced some time ago but I totally missed it. Proper photos have just been released though.
I got to say the machine is a little underwhelming. While it certainly isn’t ugly, it just looks like the VF-25 and the YF-19 from Macross Plus mashed together, only flashier than both in a bad way. A little too busy, perhaps. I quote:
In the production of Macross Frontier, the VF-171 was chosen as the main fighter of the New U.N. Spacy because it was felt that the previous main fighter, the VF-19 Excalibur, looked too much like a “hero” fighter…
This one looks more of a “hero” fighter to me.
The roots of the design is especially obvious in gerwalk mode. Compare:
Of course, it could be I’m just bitter at how poorly the Macross Frontier series ended.
Picture sources: Gundam Model Kits and Figures, Mech9.com, Macross Mecha Manual
I don’t have the answer.
But I distinctly remembered that the Koreans girls were once seen as the poor cousins of Japanese girls. Japanese girls were the cute/sexy/hot ones while the Koreans girls were… well, motherly. In a Kim Jong Il manner.
Is it the Korean dramas that sport ridiculously looking gay dudes who sent girls swooning over some stupid sit-up scene? A nefarious soft power projection by the South Korea gov? The vast improvement in skillsets of the Korean plastic surgeons? All of the above?
Anyway, who cares? A couple of years down the road, I’ll be too old to be looking at teenage girls prancing on the stage without feeling like a dirty old bastard. Might as well enjoy the ride it last.
Random Korean girl group
I was just ‘glancing’ through the list of torrents for the day when I came across eztv offering “Jeopardy: IBM Challenge” for download, coincidentally the game was brought up again during the end segment of video podcast ‘The Totally Rad Show”. Naturally, this aroused my interest, so I checked out what exactly is going on… turns out, IBM had invented their latest AI, nicknamed Watson.
Being a non-tech head, I can only explain Watson is really er…smart. Watching it compete against two of Jeopardy’s best players ever totally blows your mind. I’ll give you a spoiler, Watson won.
No, it didn’t just win. It blew away the competition.
You really gotta take your hats off to the folks at IBM for being able to create this…but on the other hand, you kinda wonder when it’s gonna come ‘online ‘ and set the nukes on us. ha!
The wiki entry says that Watson will be used for advancing medical science… but why just limit it to that?
Here’s a few TSC suggestions of our own :