David Gilmour with Spinal Tap – Big Bottom

My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I’d like to sink her with my pink torpedo

I have heard about this long ago, but never thought to track it down. David Gilmour, bestest guitarist ever, performing with Spinal Tap, bestest (and loudest) band ever! A legendary performance! David (Gilmour, not St. Hubbins) plays bass, and even does a little solo. Genius!

David Gilmour with Spinal Tap "Big Bottom"

Pearl Jam Christmas Single 2006

Thanks to Laurie/Evolution from AMPJ who posted this photo. Brilliant cover, and, of course as I have mentioned, the performance is just killer.

That will be awesome as a poster (hint).

A-side: Love Reign O’er Me

B-side: Rockin’ In The Free World (with Bono and the Edge!)

New Look, for MORE Stupid

I was fooling around with the first beta of Community Server 2007, and swiped ideas from a few websites which shall remain unnamed (“I’m a code monkey, not a designer!” is my excuse).

I guess I like the new design enough to make the effort to back port it to CS 2.1, which is a pain in the ass to skin. I guess I was getting quite sick of the old look too, which was “developed” by me from the default theme of CS by changing some colours.

As a mental exercise, I optimised the CSS files by hand, and was able to reduce the total size by roughly 10%. Common.css is now down to 40 KB from the original 52 KB.

Take a look at it on the home page

Still waiting for CS 2007.

Am I Dumb

How smart are you?

That can’t be right…

StupidTester.com says I'm 0% Stupid! How stupid are you? Click Here!

I guess its great for the old ego, but it just shows how silly these web IQ tests are.

Audioslave Is Kaput

We hardly knew ye. Well its not like it’ll make me lose any sleep, as Chris demonstrates so well in the “Unplugged in Sweden” set, he does much better on his own, and while I am not a huge Rage Against the Machine fan, the music is definitely more compelling than Audioslave’s.

So rock on, Chris Cornell. Rock on, Rage.

Categorized as Music

Dilana – Mother, Mother

Right, this is part two of a double-bill. Check out part one.

This is a rocking take of Mother, Mother by Dilana from the Rock Star: Supernova contest. What she lacks in skill and musicianship compared to Tracy Bonham, she makes up for with this incredible energy. It is probably a good thing she did not win, as playing with those old guys would have held her back.

Mother, Mother - Dilana

Categorized as Music

The Police!

At the 49th Grammy Awards. They did Roxanne. More songs would have been nice, but I’ll take what I can get.

So, new album? Please?

Categorized as Music

Mask of the Phantasm

It is no exaggeration to say Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is, so far, the best rendition of Batman on the silver screen. Unlike the live action films, it manages to capture the very essence of the Dark Knight; the loneliness, the guilt and the tragedy, giving the character an almost mythic quality.

The main theme by Shirley Walker is, likewise, the most powerful. Based on Danny Elfman’s theme for Batman: The Animated Series, it surpasses the wonderful original. A brass fanfare is followed by a dark, heroic and epic gothic choir. Magnificence.


Categorized as Music

Sting – Wild Wild Sea

The Soul Cages is a very personal album for me. It helped me cope with a very painful part of my life, and today I still find it the most emotionally intense album I have ever had the pleasure to experience. If you read this, Mr Sumner, thank you.

Wild Wild Sea in particular resonates powerfully, as if it is a scene I have seen in my own dreams. Here is a fantastic performance of it, recorded for MTV Unplugged.


Categorized as Music