It’s the Grand Ol’ Lemming Rush

My thoughts on Wikipedia (or knowledge by mob rule, as I call it) is pretty unprintable, so it doesn’t surprise me in the least that when we as a race see a bad idea, we create a bandwagon. It’s the good ol’ concept of “If we have to fuck things up, let’s do it together!” Which leads us to….


Wikipedia’s idea that knowledge has to follow a golden mean is one of the by-products of the postmodernism era, and sadly no one seems to be immune to it, and it’s the height of irony that the sneering at “ivory tower intellectualism” is permeating the entire spectrum of US society. It’s pretty hard at times to discern whether the monolithically dense conservative bloc in the US are actually serious or just trying to make us go through life with a sneaking suspicion that one or both ROCK-HARD(tm) legs are being tugged viciously, but this seems legit, considering the lockdown the admins did when the site became general knowledge (with predictable results).

If this was drawn up by actual right-wingers, it just shows that nobody does self-parody better than a conservative, albeit non-intentionally and with more ZING than Jon Stewart could ever manage. The article on Shrub sums up DELIGHTFULLY the “Look There!” mentality of conservative politics in the US. Sadly, there’s no reason to expect the approach won’t work on the voters that aren’t too apathetic to drag themselves to the ballot box.