How absurdly simple yet ingenious. Best of all, it does double duty as ad-hoc recycling that will increase awareness in the less privileged strata of societies.
Category: Uncategorized
Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
Oh Onion, u make us sad with joy
The story of Middle America, ladies and gentlemen. Hand out the Pulitzer.
That picture is so brilliant, I can only vaguely imagine in theoretical terms what diabolical mad geniuses the Onion writers are in real life. Of course, life is full of rock paper and scissors scenarios, so the child should be started early on this fine invention.
Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
Things That Make You Go Hmm
information overload
So much dinner to prepare, so many pounds to lose.
Just CHOCK full of “great” moments……that green water barrel made me smirk, but nothing takes the cake more than what happened around the 3:45+ mark.
Dystopian Squeeze
So, hmm, another infograph that involves us. This one is pretty disingenuous though, since living space has long since ceased to be the Maltusian bottleneck. (Let’s just ignore the astronomical economical opportunity cost of consolidating the population) Food, potable water and energy, and ESPECIALLY the efficient distribution of, are now the systemic shock factors.
Now YOU too can suck faces with the Great Old One
This is just beautiful. “You shall be eaten first/last” gains a totally new different meaning. There better be a “King in Yellow” in the pipeline.