We found 265 results for your search.

Beyond – 海闊天空

BEYOND【海闊天空】Music Video (粵) (HD) Because sometimes we all need a reminder….

Categorized as Music Tagged

Dream Theater – On The Back Of Angels

Dream Theater – On The Backs Of Angels (Audio) No cheesy forced aggression. No god-awful rap/growl. More prog, less metal. The bass can actually be heard, hallelujah! Looks like the

Brad Mehldau – Golden Slumbers

…2006 due to his collaboration with Pat Metheny, Metheny/Mehldau. For his new album, he combines two of my favourite musical things, virtuoso jazz piano and the Beatles. Great, great performance….

if cheung can cook so can you

Compliments to the Chef! You know it’s something happening when two different friends sends you two different URL about the same news. Read more about Flora Cheung here….