We found 265 results for your search.

Very Disappointing, Symantec

…Killing Sygate PF is not going to increase sales of your Internet Security suite, Symantec. Sygate PF was probably the best of the free software firewalls available. I’ll probably be…

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Kerio Carries On

Some hopefully good news. Sunbelt has agreed to acquire Kerio Personal Firewall from Kerio Technologies and will continue to have a free version available for home users. With Zone Alarm suffering from stability…

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Goodnight, Quinnware

…23-Nov: Looks like its a server hardware failure, whew… Update 3-Jan: Happy New Year! Looks like quinnware.com is kind of back… at test.quinnware.com, with a new design to boot! Let’s…

Happy (Belated) New Year!

Can’t believe I forgot to post this!!! (Guess it’s still 1st Jan in some parts of the world.. haha!) U2 – New Year’s Day LIVE…