We found 265 results for your search.

Lou Reed — Perfect Day

Whatever Lou Reed had in mind when he wrote the song, it definitely wasn’t this interpretation by Asbjørn Tejdell. Lou Reed – Perfect Day Great imagery, and I love the

Categorized as Music

Reunited Police to Open Grammys

…a little something from the little 2003 reunion for their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. The Police – R’n’R Hall of Fame 2003 – Message in a bottle…

Categorized as Music

Free At Last! (or: Screw You Guys!)

Trent Reznor (and Nine Inch Nails by default) is now free from any recording contract. As I have mentioned, he is one of the few, perhaps the only, major artist…

Categorized as Music

Halite 0.28

New version of Halite released with a snazzy new icon. Changes from 0.27 to 0.28: IP filtering support eMule style ipfilter.dat files. DHT support, thought it is turned off by…

Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts I-IV

Trent Reznor has done it: a double album of new instrumental music available as a high quality, DRM-free download, very reasonably priced 2 CD set (US$10) or either one of…

Categorized as Music

Ricky Gervais, I worship thee …

the host (which I must say is a first for me). My big surprise was after Robert Downey Jr’s comeback at Ricky’s funny intro, he went on to suggest the

Categorized as Movies, TV

Finally: CDBurnerXP 4.0 Final

Its been three years since the public last release but now CDBurnerXP 4.0 is finally available. The official website features a spanking new design too. CDBurnerXP is a freeware CD…

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