Kore wa Zombie Desu ka 1 and 2: We have a contender!

our protagonist...
Every man wants to be a macho macho man

For potential best show this season. I almost gave it a miss due to the uninspiring character design, but I’m glad I gave it a go. It looks like it will be another Seto no Hanayome for me; I went in not expecting anything but it more than delivered.

So we have our protagonist Ayumu who is a bit of a pervert. He is also a zombie and a chainsaw-toting “magiclad girl” (Fucking magic, how does it work?).

To round up the cast we have a silent loli necromancer who communicates via handwritten notes and a tsundere loli “masou shoujo”, and in the second episode a busty vampire ninja makes her appearance (voiced Mio and resembles her superficially, but thankfully does not behave like her at all).  Going by promotional art there’s yet another girl. It does look like the old standard anime harem is getting assembled but the numerous brilliant subversions (see attached screen capture) saves the series and hilarity ensues.

Highly recommended and do watch out for that panty shot.

Duh Magnet says: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka is the kind of wacky nonsense this season was sorely lacking until now, and best of all, it’s nowhere as shameless as Sora no Otoshimono.)

“We all hate Millwall right?”

This seems to be an attempt at showing how the familiar football fiefdoms have carved up London like some namby ponce version of the Warring States. Though considering the level of uncertainty (this is hardly a scientific census and you should prepare heaps of salt) in the demarcations, it’s more like the Holy Roman Empire than anything else.

I’m feelin’ blue, Megan

Not feeling so smug now eh Mr Perfectly Adapted Killing Machine, you

This new study suggests everyone’s favorite apex marine predator might have a few deficiencies in the area of eyesight, which is understandable considering they see the SAME FRICKIN’ COLOUR ALL THE TIME. Those eyecones probably threw up their tiny arms and gave up long ago.

Life Lessons from TW LJF

RECAP of the Last Episode of  Taiwan Long Juan Feng

So, It ends.

And what a damn boring ending it was.  After taking a shower, and ironing my pants, the damn folks are still not done shooting their guns at one another.

In fact, I don’t even understand why they carry pistols when they hardly shoot the damn thing. (and since they don’t shoot, why are the police wearing bullet proof vest!?)

So, the ep begins with Huang Ping Qiu getting executed by a bullet through the head, which is an irony cos I recalled #1 Killer A-De couldn’t even kill him when he emptied a magazine at point blank range.

Then I went to take a shower and everyone was on the rooftop threatening each other with their guns.  (Gun control is a major issue in Taipei. It’s as if every one and their mother can just whip out a pistol from nowhere)

After 20mins of empty threats, Zhilong took the place of sour puss Jiayi and leapt to his death, falling to his death in slo mo while recalling all the awesome stuff he done :

Killed my fake dad

Killed my real dad

Killed my dad- in – law

Made real mum cry x 20 times

Made my wife cry x 14 times

Killed my dad in law (oh, I said that already)

Made sweet love with Yvonne

Man, I am Awesome.


Somehow the good guys managed to get the guns, Jiayi slapped Angel, the latter looked shocked! (this is one thing I can never understand about the show, the woman killed their brother, and she’s like… “is this slap necessary!?!) anyways, back to the show…

shot Angel in the leg, nobody shoots, everyone bargaining for soemthing , police arrives, Angel refuses to surrender, ran to jump off the roof

Second best bit of the show : Nobody amongst the 20 odd gun welding folk even bother to shoot the villainess as she slo mo run her way off the edge of the roof, yet they keep repeating her name hoping she’ll stop running.


Anyway, Angel meets the floor. Splat.

Fast forward, to the living room and this is the moment everyone.

Three hundred, Seventy-One episodes later, and it boils down to these two last sentences from Mr Huang Zhizhong

“Life is full of up and downs, Life is full of joy and sorrow…

BUT….the lesson in life is…

<Jia he wan shi xing, He le jiu shi li liang!> YAY !!!!!!!

to this I say… KNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word to your mother.

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Will Power – TW LJF Penultimate Episode

Literally just finished watching the remaining half hour of Taiwan Long Juan Feng.

More thoughts from me! (Amazingly I can’t stop blogging about this show)

RECAP  – The Penultimate episode #370 (or something..okay, I lost count!)

Usually the second last ep are the good eps where the show still manages to start tying things up, yet leaves some traces of the DNA of the actual show we follow.  TW LJF has none of this.

For almost the entire run of the series, we learn that this Huang Family has been trying to fucking build this MRT or some shit, though nothing ever gets built, yet two thousand contracts has been signed by corporates within these 300 over eps (in the midst of all the drug rapes and gun pointing)

So, what do we actually get from this all crap-tastic ep?  A fucking will that seemed to be written by Grandpa Huang whose ang mor name was probably Nostradamus.Why? He predicted the bloody future , thats why.

The will probably rendered the entire series redundant. All the fighting, raping, maiming, drugging, more raping, more scheming, etc. For Nothing!

The writers basically retcon the entire series!

What the will said* (my version..well..its still 70%  there lah.)

“my name is blah blah blah, i done many bad things in my life…and decided to atone for my mistake by…LETTING MR A DO SO AND SO BECAUSE I LET HIM DOWN AND ALTHOUGH I LET HIM HANDLE THE BUSINESS




(and to make sure they will not find this will)

i shall not tell anyone i wrote this letter until at the point of episode 340 i will leak news that i may possibly have left this secret will that nobody knows so that they can spend 20 eps searching for it and then the will will undo everything we thought happened for the 320 eps before it.

and this secret will be held by this person who won’t even appear in the show.

ugh. i die. thank you.”

– Signed, Dead Grandpa Huang

Stay tuned for the Finale of the show. Subtitle : Why 20 pistols can’t stop a running woman jumping off the goddamn roof.

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Felt like digging a hole and jumping in? That’s the Office for yer.

Just to add some new developments to what golliz said here, the conservatives are now trying to use the “Look, that loveable Rush Limbaugh lookalike is laying it thick on those smug liburul Hollywood scum!narrative after what happened. Ignoring what the man at the centre of this teacup tempest said, I’m sure since they’re so enamoured of Gervais, they should be happy to invite him to their own dinner events. Because like the last time that something like that happened, things just went SWIMMINGLY, with a gracious and good-natured crowd lapping things up.

Skyrim Watch, Part 1

Skyrim in-game screenshot
Here be dragons

The first in-game screenshots of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been revealed and the “Creation Engine” looks fantastic. I’m a longtime Elder Scrolls fan and Skyrim is probably my most anticipated game of the year.

Thoughts on some of the info tidbits:

  • No class selection – that’s a very good thing, in my opinion. This way your style of play shapes your character and not vice versa.
  • 18 total skills – streamlining the available skills is probably a good thing, though we’ll have to see what’s been cut out.
  • Dragons – officially in an Elder Scrolls for the first time (apart from the Dragonlings in Daggerfall), fantastic!
  • ‘Developers promise combat is more “dynamic and tactical” than before. Focus was on improving combat and the feel of weapons in your hands.’ – cue taken from the Deadly Reflex and Unnecessary Violence mods for Oblivion I guess? Both are recommended, by the way.
  • Dual wielding – YES.
  • Improvements to AI and quest system – depends. The Oblivion Radiant AI turned out to be a little underwhelming. I certainly hope the development team achieves everything they aim for.
  • Other graphical and cosmetic improvements – hardly the most important factor for me, but the screenshots are looking good so far.
  • Level scaling – unfortunately it’s not going away, but at least the Fallout 3 scheme will be used, which is more tolerable. In any case, I’m sure modders will come to the rescue yet again.

The little poem on the back cover of the February issue of Game Informer translated from the “Tongue of the Dragons”:

Dragonborn Dragonborn
By his honor is sworn
To keep evil forever at bay
And the fiercest foes rout
When they hear triumph’s shout
Dragonborn for hunger blessing we pray

And the scrolls have fortold
Of black wings in the cold
That when brothers wage war come unfurled
Alduin, bane of kings
Ancient shadow unbound
With a hunger to swallow the world

Video teaser:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Teaser

I am properly pumped up!

Screen shot and information taken from Video Games Blogger.

How I learn to stop worrying and start loving Taiwan Long Juan Feng


As the Taiwan Tornado departs from our shores on 19th Jan 2011; I thought it is fitting to actually blog about this insanely over the top Taiwanese Soap Opera why I love watching this shit.

  1. Lin Anna – crazy bitch who kept scheming on every evil plan to be the #1 in the Huang family only to have every scheme blow up in her face. She’s kinda like Wile E Coyote only pretty (not in this show, but in Ai!)images
  2. Huang Zhizhong – The Human Spanish Fly who can get almost every woman’s panties wet by simply grinning his stupid idiot grin. So charming he turned a lesbian straight. This bugger is also faultless.  Raped a woman one day, only to have her fall in love with him weeks later.
  3. Yuan Zhilong -Zhizhong’s half brother, who was gay one day, straight and devoted lover the next, always filial to his chio mum. Always scheming.
  4. Speaking of Zhilong, the mofo killed his own stepdad, yet all is forgiven and forgotten much later on.
  5. Nobody gets laid unless… they get drug-raped/gang raped, were fucked cos the other fella was eyeing on his/her money or has their anus raped by prisoners. Tossed Salad is a popular dish even when you’re in a detention cell.
  6. A guy can get shot at point-blank range for 10 over shots, only to come out unharmed. (Huang Pingqiu)
  7. However, one can get unceremoniously dumped outta the show too as Zhihan, sister of Zhizhong was in the show one day, and the next, simply died in a plane crash…over the Grand Canyon.  Biggest contribution to the sub-plots : repeatedly falling in love with the same guy over and over again…even after his dick got snipped off.
  8. A-De, a ruffian who suddenly had a new wardrobe the moment he became the love interest of a rich daughter…who was kidnapped by him.  Stockholm syndrome, this show is deep man.
  9. Too much love will kill ya – Everybody who raped will get AIDS.  And the window period is…. 1 day.
  10. Surprisingly nobody I know who speaks Hokkien can tell me what the Hell does “Hiong Jit Buay” (the chrous) means.

I dun think I’ll even get a chance to miss the actors literally the whole cast will be back in some other show which starts airing on Thursday!

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Ricky Gervais, I worship thee …

It has always been said that the Golden Globes are literally just an excuse for the Hollywood Foreign Press throwing a star-studded lavish 4 hour party for Hollywood bigwigs to pat each other on the back.

Well, somebody sure didn’t remember to tell that to this year’s host, Ricky Gervais.

The visibly slimmer acid-tongued  has lost none of his sting.  Insulting presenters and Hollywood in general. The man was on fire.  Sadly, most of the stars forgot to remove the stick wedged up their arses, and even starts rebutting at the host (which I must say is a first for me).

My big surprise was after Robert Downey Jr’s comeback at Ricky’s funny intro, he went on to suggest the nominees shoulda slept with him.  So, I suppose making cracks at screwing an actress is OK, but being teased about your past convictions are a no-no?

I dunno.. but RDJ has always been a charming bastard and manages to pull off the risque little speech well.

On the whole, I thought Ricky managed to do the impossible.

He made the Golden Globes fun.

Thank God for Ricky, even if he doesn’t believe in one.


Interesting notes :

Why is Mark Zuckerberg suddenly being revered whenever “The Social Network” wins anything? Did MZ threaten to remove their Facebook accounts or something?

Is Christian Bale channeling Johnny Depp or was he trying to look like Jesus?

Holy Jesus, Batman!!

Ain’t it great to see Trent Reznor win for Best Score? It’s so hip and non-conventional, and best of all, it already got dumped by the Academy (Oscars) cos it’s not ‘original enough’

Speaking of the Social Network… DAVID FINCHER. BEST DIRECTOR. WOOHOO!!

Why does a blonde Emma Stone look more like Lindsay Lohan than Gwen Stacy?

Lindsay? Is that you?

But last but not least. January Jones, the hands-down winner for Miss Golden Globes 2011.


Categorized as Movies, TV