Author: duh magnet
Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
At least he’s not kung fu fightin’
Gamescom Coverage : WTF is Tera Online?
Normally MMORPGes don’t interest me in the slightest, but this caught my eye, if only for the simply superb Haters Gonna Hate strut that beardogbeaver thing has going for it. It also seems to take a more dynamic, arcade-ish approach to combat, which can only be a good thing in a dreary crowd of WoW clones. While the art assets, animation and texture work are technically great, the art direction for the human characters seem straight out of the NCSoft playbook, even though this isn’t a NCS product. The genre really needs to take bigger design risks now that player numbers are reaching saturation levels, and I don’t mean pauldrons.
The Führer is Führious
Hitler Reacts to Cesc's Transfer
Quick, fall back to the CL bunker before we can’t afford one!