American Politics – The Concise Primer

A unionized public employee, a member of the tea party, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, turns to the Tea Partier and says ‘look out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie!’

That’s as succinct as it gets. Maybe they can work in batter as a metaphor for taxation.

Deny, Deny, Deny

Classy, really classy Apple. But then this is simply business as usual for the Cult of Steve, so anyone who is familiar with Apple for the last ten years shouldn’t be in the slightest bit surprised. As for the general security implication, that old saying by Rich Cook never fails. The PC might be an idiot savant, but the wetware is just plain idiot.

Gintama 208 – You’ll Never Look At A Chuubert The Same Way Again

Friend's that way
That date with Soushi can’t be far off

no context is fun
This is just wrong man

This human is dense and doesn't understand the universal sign of friendship

Has to be a Denpa parody

I thought this was going to be the first out and out poor ep of the season, but that last 1/3 redeemed it gloriously. No screencaps needed, because there’s no way dead pixels can convey the awesomeness of Sa-chan.