Prince: Not Getting It

I though Prince was a musician who got it, but apparently he doesn’t. Stunts like this will only cost him legitimate fans.

Trent Reznor, on the other hand, is one of few artists who gets it and has the balls, knowledge and integrity to do the right thing. He is the man.

Categorized as Music, Tech Tagged

Windows Live Writer Beta 3

I am typing this on WLW Beta 3. I wrote about the first beta, which was already very usable at the time. This is the best of breed in blogging software on Windows.

Quite a lot of changes for beta 3, but the best thing for me is “Publish XHTML-style markup”.

In other news, CCleaner 2.0 is now RC and Spybot Search & Destroy has reached 1.5.1 final. I recommend both very highly.

R.I.P. Pavarotti

Always a tragedy when music dies.

Queen + Luciano Pavarotti - Too Much Love Will Kill You (Brian May)

This is my favourite non-opera memory of the maestro, a fantastic duet between the opera singer and the astrophysicist.

Categorized as Music


Indeed, the thermochrome CD is very nice. Unfortunately… the tropical climate of Singapore renders it useless. I need to hold the CD up to the air conditioner to cool it down enough.

That said, I’ve recently discovered our local band The Observatory released their album second album Blank Walls with a thermochrome cover. Very nice, and all along I was thinking that the ink used was just especially susceptible to oily fingers.

Categorized as Music

Stevie Wonder – Drum Solo

Monstrous technique and a thick, fat groove. I love how the regular drummer is just standing behind and sorta shuffling his feet (I should just go be a pizza deliveryman or something).

Categorized as Music

Rhapsody of Fire – Power of the Dragon Flame

Duh Magnet
“It’s got Power, Dragon and Flame in it! Triple Threat, man!”

“AWESOME!” *mad riffs all round*

dude…that video would be embarrassing for a singapore band

Duh Magnet
Singapore bands have trouble making ends meet, hence dignity is more impt. [:)]

Duh Magnet
Finished the PotDF mtv. It was truly a masterpiece. [:)]

“There’s just no way that we can win, that was a masterpiece.”

Duh Magnet
Seriously, I think most metal songs should only have videos using concert footage, there’s no other way to make it non-ridiculous.

or just a straightforward performance video

Duh Magnet
Assuming limited budget, competence and imagination, that is.

but given their “moves”, that would be embarrassing too

Duh Magnet
I like the “finger rings round eyes” gestures. Seriously….

What I learnt about love in just under 20 min of TV

I was just channel surfing this evening while waiting for “Sportscenter” to start at 10pm when I chanced upon “Honour and Passion” on Channel 8.  And for the next 20 minutes or so, I was simply engrossed with the MediaCorp Drama series.

You see, in that short span of time, I felt I have seen two interesting romantic scenarios which urges me to address it in this entry.

Love Crime A


Rui En learns that her dad (Huang Wenyong) has been recently smitten by a young (and hot) lady friend in the form of Ong Ai Leng, recently.  Since their meeting, Mr Lucky SOB has outright rejected the affections of a long-time family friend (Hong Huifang) whom through the years have been played the role of a surrogate mother to Wenyong’s children.

My Verdict :

Aww… ain’t that a shame? While Hong Huifang herself once played the role of the tramp back in her hey days of ‘Samsui Woman” (which was what, 1985?) You can’t blame Wenyong’s heartless decision. I mean, look at the pictures I posted !!! Have you seen Ong Ai Leng? Seriously! This is a no-brainer. There is simply no way in God’s green Earth would you find a red blooded man who would do otherwise.  I don’t even care if she’s a scheming bitch who’s eyeing on his CPF money, from what I see, no amount of SAF money can buy a man such good luck.  Whats the chances of a bloke of his age and looks scoring with a woman like Ai Leng?

Redcon One* to the Encik Huang.

(Army talk for Grade A)

Love Crime B

Mr Commando, Tay Ping Hui learns that the woman of his dreams, Artillery Captain Felicia Chin only has eyes for his own baby brother played by Bryan Wong. Like all love-triangles, Bryan of course, has no interest in Felicia (or he probably don’t dare to incur the wrath of his red beret and probably half-insane elder brother).

Later on, the lovestruck dumbass commando has really performed the ultimate gut-wrenching love-kamikaze.   After learning about Felicia’s birthday lunch/dinner date with Bryan, Ping Hui managed to secretly arranged a pair of singing Indian waiters to bring out a cake plus a present (a Tag Heuer) for the pleasantly surprised Felicia, while pleading for Bryan through SMS to “grant her her dream date”.

*Cue : Ping Hui leaving the restaurant with his heart in two*

My Verdict :

Now somebody pleeeeeeeeeeze explain this to me.

Boy meets girl. And girl goes for …the Gay guy.

Hello?????  There was even a scene where the baffled Rui En (she’s their sister) even asked Felicia why she would go for Mr Savvy rather than the grunt.

Felicia’s answer? “Personality clash, too quiet for her own taste, and…she relish a challenge!”

At that moment of time, I nearly fell over from the chair.

I truly believe, the only reason why girls go for the gay guy is simply ‘cos women love to change a guy. And what better challenge to the woman than to ‘revert’ a homosexual back to a straight guy through the power of her…

All I can say is.. Good luck to your ‘mission’, woman, you’ll need it.

Before I end this rant,  I must give commendations to Ping Hui’s portrayal of being the lovefool.  His awkward expressions in the presence of Felicia is really spot-on.  But the real surprise here is Bryan’s straight faced performance.  Gone are the snappy bitchy tones you see of his normal self, and instead, we get this super cool successful business dude. Heck, even I would have thought the man was straight.

And by the way, can somebody tell me when in the world did Felicia become such a hot babe? Now there wasn’t one scene in the 20 odd minutes where we have Felicia in uniform, so don’t go telling me its her in the no.3 / no.4.

Wow. It is really amazing how much changes a good hairdo can do to a person.  One day she was this skinny underweight girl with really bad mushroom hairdo and now, she’s this super and matured hot WOMAN in SAF outfit.


Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I am in the mood for some Vitagen.

Categorized as TV

The Alternative To The (QuickTime) Alternative

I have been using QuickTime Alternative for a long time, but onegoodmove is crashing Firefox with the last available version of QT Alternative. And given the developers stopped any further development after Apple requested that they remove the package from their website, I needed an alternative.

Now, I am not keen about going back to the official QT Player, even though the developers of QT Alternative published a guide on configuring QT Player “for optimal performance and user satisfaction”.

I managed to find “QT Lite” (thanks, Google!) which is very well put together, with just the components I need. CoreAVC and CoreAAC are not longer included but that is not a huge issue.

Overall, very happy with this “update”, and Firefox is no longer crashing on onegoodmove. Thanks, whoever put this package together.

In Defence of Paris Hilton

After learning that Paris Hilton is losing her inheritance money, I couldn’t help but pen this entry in defence of the poor little rich girl

WHAT??!!?! Lose 60 million bucks over her jail term!?!?!, Uncle…now this is truly uncalled for.  What “crime” did Paris really commit?  Poor girl’s already served her time for her crime. And besides…we’ve forgiven her for her previous “crimes” what.

  • so, she did the racy FHM Shoot – Nicky was there too..hello!?! And did she get any blame? NOooo….
  • One Nite in Paris – it’s her bastard of a boyfriend who sold it. duh! Besides, its way better than the one Pam and Tommy Lee did !! (So I heard…)
  • House of Wax - ok, no excuses for her on this one.
  • ‘Stars Are Blind’ - Hey, the song was #1 in great countries like Belgium, Slovakia and Hungary, okay!?

So, Paris Dah-ling, wipe away those tears, Uncle Golliz here dedicate one his favourite songs to Grampa Hilton:

Stop wasting my time
You know what I want
You know what I need
Or maybe you don’t
Do I have to come right
Flat out and tell you everything?
Gimme some money
Gimme sone money

I’m nobody’s fool
I’m nobody’s clown
I’m treating you cool
I’m putting you down
But baby I don’t intend to leave empty handed
Gimme some money
Gimme some money

Don’t get me wrong
Try getting me right
Your face is ok but your purse is too tight
I’m looking for pound notes
Loose change
Bad checks, anything
Gimme some money
Gimme some money

Trust me, with all these honesty spewed out into the open, in no time, Grampa is gonna appreciate your honesty and run back to you to shower you with money and kisses again.

‘Cos forgiveness is divine, and baby, that is always HOT.